Saturday, September 5, 2009

13 weeks post! 4 more to go!

Hi All

Stretching is getting easier and easier!! The only bad part of stretching for me is getting to anxious to see my progress. I started my journey off at really thin neck length hair. The dominican hair shop blew my hair from root to tip for about 2 months and I saw my nice hair dwindle away right before my eyes! I then found various hair care forums and the 1st thing I noticed was the practice of stretching your relaxers. This is my second stretch since the start of my journey, my 1st ending at 12 weeks exactly. That was the hardest thing i've ever done, lol The knots and tangles were fierce and the breakage and shedding is scary! This time around, I'm learning my hair and what it needs and thrives on. I found a great staple which is helping me stretch(Cantu Shea Butter Leave in) which just melts my NG.

Here are some pics of the current 13 weeks post NG. I hoping to be full SL when I relax in 4 weeks!


  1. Good luck on your stretch! I'm embarking on my first stretch as well!

  2. Thanks *me*!! I checked out your blog as well, will be frequenting it to check out your progress. Almost another week down for me 3 more to go til relaxer day! I love relaxer day!
